Make the most of your data with our statistical consulting services. We use a data-driven approach to develop strategies that are tailored to your unique needs. We take the time to understand your goals, and our work is grounded in the best practices in the industry. In partnering with New Vision, you can be confident that you're making informed decisions based on the latest data trends.
Strategic Planning Market Analysis Change Management Design Thinking and Innovation Strategy Gap Analysis
Program Evaluation Policy Evaluation Impact Evaluation Process Evaluation Data Evaluation Outcome Mapping Logic Model Development Evaluation Infrastructure Development
Statistical Consulting
Analysis Plan Development & Execution Experimental Design of Experiments Quasi-Experimental Design of Experiments Data Mining Predictive Analytics Econometrics Time Series Analysis Machine Learning Training Survey Design and Analysis Data Visualization and Reporting UX Testing CX Testing
Technical Assistance
Data Management & Governance Statistical Software Implementation Database Design and Development Custom Analytics Tool Development Training and Capacity Building